Wrapping up the Christmas Season

Wrapping up the Christmas Season

The long Ukrainian Christmas season (see https://americacaresforukrainianchildren.org/four-christmases) is ending, but America Cares for Ukrainian Children continues to provide aid to needy children and their families in Uzhhorod and the surrounding region without...


Many families in Uzhhorod, both displaced people and pre-war residents, consist of a mother with children, whose father is away serving in the military. Many displaced families have no kitchen. Most of these mothers are working mothers, who must leave their children...
Four Christmases?

Four Christmases?

In America, we have a Christmas season, but the main event is clearly Christmas Day, December 25. In Ukraine, it’s more complicated. Some celebrate Christmas on December 25. Some celebrate it 13 days later, using the old calendar. The calendar generally used...
Toledo Bar Association Article

Toledo Bar Association Article

Thank you, Toledo Bar Association, for the article about America Cares for Ukrainian Children in your December 2022 newsletter. Дякуємо, Асоціація адвокатів Толедо, за статтю про те, що Америка піклується про українських дітей у вашому інформаційному бюлетені за...
Another stroller

Another stroller

America Cares for Ukrainian Children provided another stroller. The family thanks the organization and our donors. Благодійній організація America Cares for Ukrainian Children надала ще одну колясочку. Щиро дякуємо нашим...


This winter is getting harder for everyone, including our volunteers in Uzhhorod, but they persist. Today they provided diapers, wet wipes, other baby care products, and baby food to families with babies, as well as staple foods. “Again and again thank you and...