All of Ukraine celebrated Constitution Day on June 28, a commemoration of the signing of the Ukrainian Constitution on June 28. This year the celebration was especially important, since the existence of Ukraine as a nation is at risk, and especially anxious, just one day after a shopping mall in Kremenchuk was struck in a deadly missile attack.
In Uzhhorod, children celebrated Constitution Day at the Padiyun (ПАДІЮН), a community center where children can take extracurricular classes and practice sports and hobbies. The celebration included patriotic displays and folk dancing and singing.
Щиро вдячні благодійній організації America Cares For Ukrainian Children за придбання канцелярських товарів для майстер-класів. А також за піцу, солодощі та напої для діток

AC4UC provided gifts and refreshments to the young dancers, singers, and other participants.

Our manager in Ukraine, Olha Dyachenko, was even interviewed on local television!